Elisabetta Marsonet

Doctor of Clinical and Dynamic Psychology (University of Padua and e-Campus University – 2021).
Master's degree thesis "Archetypal psychology and imaginal pedagogy: the courage to give voice to the soul".

Doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques for Personal and Community Services (University of Trieste – 2014)
Final report on "Couple psychodynamic psychotherapy as a help tool for the discomfort of children"

Registered under no. 15 Sect. B Register of the Order of Psychologists of Friuli V.G. (2016)

Specific interventions:

  • rehabilitation, functional re-education and social integration
  • support of the parent-child relationship
  • psycho-education
  • health promotion
  • modification of risky behaviours
  • analysis of behavior, cognitive processes, opinions, attitudes, needs and motivations, social interaction.

The above activities are carried out under the supervision of a Psychologist enrolled in Section A of the Register of the Order of Psychologists of Friuli V.G. as per Law 170/2003.

Master in Gestalt Counselling reached atIstituto Gestalt Pordenone directed by Dr. Danilo Toneguzzi and by Dr. Susanna Carlovich and accredited AICo Italian Association of Counseling.
Tesina 3° anno "Family's Life Cycle ".
Tesi finale, traduzione, e pubblicazione  da parte di Edigestalt, del testo di Franz Ruppert “The systemic constellations in the professional area. Theory and practice"

Master Training in Psiconeurobiologia con la Società Italiana di Psiconeurobiologia (2023-2024)

Formazione EMDR 1° e 2° livello con Jennifer Sweeton (2022-2023)

Master in Clinical Flower-Therapy conseguito con il Dott. Ermanno Paolelli (2019)

Online Counseling (Levels 1 and 2) certified by?Social Work University in Toronto, Canada (2010)

Forest Therapy Guide conseguito con Selene Calloni Williams della Imaginal Academy Lugano – Svizzera (2023)

Livello 1 della Terapia alle Coppie con il metodo Gottman (2020)

Formazione in Psicogenealogia e Costellazioni Familiari ad approccio Immaginale con Selene Calloni Williams della Imaginal Academy (2018)

Formazione in Mindful Eating – Riconnettersi con il proprio corpo con la Dott.ssa Teresa Montesarchio (2016)

Diksha Giver and Trainer of Oneness University Chennai in India (2008-2013)

Psych-K® Coach (2007)

Da quasi vent’anni mi occupo di ben-essere attraverso il servizio di Gestalt Counselling integrando pensieri, emozioni e comportamenti, per il superamento di difficoltà e il raggiungimento di ben-essere personale e professionale.
I deal with training at Studio UmanaMente, public, private facilities and online.

I give counseling and coaching sessions and training also in English and French languages.

Motivator and facilitator for the achievement of personal and professional goals and for the healthy nourishment of one's own self-esteem.

Counsellor and trainer for couples and families: I deal with family well-being, from the dynamics in couple and family relationships, to the education and peaceful growth of children / teenagers.

Professional-business counsellor: grazie anche all?esperienza aziendale quindicinale sono motivatore per la gestione delle relazioni sistemiche in ambito professionale, per lo sviluppo della leadership e di una corretta comunicazione professionale, per lo sviluppo delle competenze e per il raggiungimento di obiettivi professionali.

Con gratitudine ho potuto apprendere dalle seguenti persone il cui operato è stato particolarmente significativo per la mia formazione professionale ed umana:

  • Danilo Toneguzzi Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Trainer Istituto Gestalt Pordenone
  • Susanna Carlovich Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trainer Istituto Gestalt Pordenone
  • Elisabetta Acomanni Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Trainer - Istituto Miriam Polster, Firenze
  • Maria Armezzani Professor at University of Padua
  • Sri AmmaBhagavan Oneness University Chennay - India
  • Paolo Baiocchi Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Trainer - Istituto Gestalt Trieste
  • Aldo Becce Professor at University of Trieste
  • Insoo Kim Berg Solution Focused Work, Brief family Therapy center, Milwaukee
  • Selene Calloni Williams Imaginal Psychologist, Counselor, Coach, Writer and Documentarist - Switzerland
  • Maria Grazia Cecchini Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trainer - Athmos Rome
  • Andrea Clarici Professor at University of Trieste
  • Antonella D'Orlando  Psychologist, Psychotherapist in Udine
  • Cristina Dini – Psicologa, Arezzo.
  • Franco Fabbro Professor at University of Udine, Mindfulness Trainer
  • Giuliana Franchini Psychologist, Trainer
  • Giuseppe Maiolo Psychologist, Trainer
  • Cristina Marogna Professor at University of Padua
  • Claudio Naranjo Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Chilean anthropologist
  • Stefania Pagni Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Trainer - Istituto Miriam Polster, Firenze
  • Ermanno Paolelli Homeopath Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist - Bologna
  • Paul Parnass Online Counselling Professor at University of Social Work in Toronto, Canada
  • Cristiano Crescentini Professor at University of Udine, Mindfulness Trainer
  • Cristina Pelizon Professor at University of Trieste
  • Alessandra Petrone Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Anthropologist - Istituto Miriam Polster, Firenze
  • Ingeborg Rehak ? Channeler, Best of Spirits, Austria
  • Richard Schultz ? Coach Wisdom Way, Canada
  • Swamiji Counsellor, Ambassador of Peace, Spiritual Healer
  • Gianluca Taddei Psychologist, Counsellor, Trainer - Athmos Rome
  • Tejasaji Oneness University Chennay - India
  • Fabiana Tosoratti Clinical Pedagogist and Counselor, Palmanova UD
  • Michele Valerio Trainer, Eupragma, Udine
  • Chiara Varrica Professor at e-Campus University of Novedrate (CO)
  • Andrea Zanettovich Professor at University of Trieste

