Individual Counselling

Specific interventions by Dr. Elisabetta Marsonet:

· Rehabilitation, functional re-education and social integration
· Support of the parent-child relationship
· Psycho-education
· Health promotion
· Modification of risky behaviors
· Analysis of behaviors, cognitive processes, opinions, attitudes, needs and motivations and social interactions.

The above activities are carried out under the supervision of a Psychologist enrolled in Section A of the Register of the Order of Psychologists of Friuli V.G. as per Law 170/2003.

Through the skills acquired from personal and professional experiences, help is provided on:

  • specific personal or professional problems
  • difficulty making decisions
  • orientation in life choices
  • support in the difficult phases that follow one another during the life cycle of the individual and the family
  • management of interpersonal relationships
  • management of the relationship with oneself
  • development of resources and potential
  • promotion and development of personal awareness
  • accompaniment in the disease
  • accompaniment to death
  • mourning processing
  • processing of emotions, thoughts, behaviors and perceptions that create discomfort.

 Work with individual clients/patients, couples, families, groups and organizations.

Perchè scegliere il counselling?

The Agreement

The purpose of UmanaMente's services is to help customers/patiens to overcome hardships and achieve both personal and professional goals, aimed at the well-being of the person and improving the quality of his/her life.

It is possible to work with you if and when these two factors are present:

  1. the patient/client wishes perception and / or concrete change in his/her personal or professional life
  2. there is a "distance" between where the customer/patient is now and where he/she would like to be.

The methodologies used favor the full responsibility and autonomy of the individual in relation to your own life in order to enhance your vital resources, in full respect of personal values and existential choices.

Meetings are protected by professional privacy and in compliance with the laws in force.

You can read the testimonials of our customers/patiens under the heading Resources on the top menu.

